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Monday, March 19, 2012

Music Monday | Blast from the Past

So I've gotten sick of radio lately BUT I have a problem. My CD player doesn't work anymore, my XM radio expired years ago, and my radio does not have the ability to connect to my iPod so... I'm stuck. I've got to listen to my radio and really, I've realized that I'm way into the music my parents might have listened to. I say might because come on... when I was younger I didn't pay attention to the music they listened to (with the exception of Fleetwood Mac), or I complained about it (again... with the exception of Fleetwood Mac), or my dad made me listen to BORING talk radio and I now only enjoy sports talk, but nothing else on the talk radio circuit. So the other day I was listening to the oldies station, which actually makes me feel old now because I enjoy them and because I realized that some of the songs on there are from my time. MY TIME PEOPLE! I'm not even 30 and MY music is on the oldies station. Ok. Excuse the slight freak out. So here is a list of the recent music that I was jamming to this week, I Shazamed them so that I could give you an accurate list of what I was hearing and no I wasn't listening to JACK FM... I don't think, I guess its possible and in that case, whatever, MY music shouldn't be on there.. And its not like a Shazamed the music because I didn't know who it was, cause I totally knew <-- that statements is mostly a lie. Don't judge. I'm getting old people, my music is on the oldies.

Boogie Oogie Oogie - A Taste of Honey (I actually know EVERY word to this song)
You Keep me Hangin' On - Kim Wilde
The Power of Love - Huey Lewis & The News
You Get What You Give - New Radicals
Do Ya Think I'm Sexy? - Rod Stewart

Hope you enjoy!

Also, I don't know how to make the fancy schmancy music players, so you'll just have to listen to the 30 second clips that Amazon has to offer. :) Anyone know how to do that? Anyone?

Oh. And because every post should have a photo here is me and my my new profile pic. I had just gotten my new spray tan. It was $5 and all the money went to the March of Dimes. People. I'm just trying to help out the world one spray tan at a time. Oh and by the way, I'm totally participating in the March for Dimes next month. Wanna donate? That'd be cool. Do that here. Or don't but that's not nice.

xo, Steph

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