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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

An Outfit a Day - Day 30

Day 30 Daily Fashion - "I sooo want to look cute today." I thought to myself while getting ready. But today was a total bust. I thought I looked cute but then when I got to work, looked in the mirror I saw a frumpy looking old lady in front of me. My original plan was to wear this dress that I asked for at my grandmothers funeral. There were few things that I took that day, a few pieces of jewelery (she had a knack for beautiful costume jewelery) and some china, but that dress, that dress was something I loved. I've worn it all of once but I spilled on it... like a lot, and then forgot to dry clean it. So last week I took it to get cleaned, only took me 5 years, and got it back on Monday. I wanted so badly to wear it today but honestly, I don't think the accessories I have would do it justice. Its not a fancy dress, but because it's my grandmothers I have this idea in my head of how I want to wear it, and what I have to wear with it is not what's been envisioned. So instead of that dress I just built you up about, I wore this casual and kinda frumpy outfit. I should have at least worn boots, but I didn't. And you don't get to see my shoes, cause they aren't as cute. :)

Top: Express, Sweater: H&M, Jeans: Target, Shoes: Target (not shown, they're cute just not with this outfit)

So today is it, the last day of the month and the last Outfit of the Day. :)

xo, Steph

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