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Sunday, December 11, 2011

25 Days of Christmas - Day 10: Movies Home Alone

I realize I'm behind but yesterday was a busy day at Help Portrait and then we got some sad news from a close friend and I wasn't in the mood to be me and peppy. So here is what should have been yesterday's post. I'll catch up on the extra day later this week. :)

I've told you we have about a bajillion Christmas movies at our house, right? We have so many that hubs told me we were going to do a 12 days of Christmas movies, and we were still not going to have watched all of them. We also have a bajillion times 10 Christmas CDs but I'm not going to get started on those.

My Most favorite Christmas movie is Home Alone. Somehow we didn't own that movie. WHAT THE!?! I know, my thoughts exactly. I finally saw it at Best Buy for super cheap so we bought it, I wanted the Blu-Ray but they didn't have it.  I swear I can quote this movie word for word. Its almost as bad as when I quote The Labyrinth (my most favorite movie EVER). This morning I was having a conversation with Dave, I don't remember what I was saying and at the end of it Dave said "I bought the milk, eggs, and fabric softener", I totally had sounded like Kevin from Home Alone at the end. Apparently... I speak Kevin McCallister.

Oh and if you wanna know what it's about then you should go to the store and buy this right now. RIGHT NOW!!! I wont even give you a hint because you just need to own it. Don't be like me and not own it... until now.

xo, Steph


  1. This has nothing to do with Christmas, but I just needed to point out that Labyrinth is also one of my all time favorite movies. The fact that her name is Sarah in the movie cemented it in my mind that it was destined to be awesome. Also, I'm egotistical :)

  2. @Sarah Stright Oh Sarah I think we are destined to be friends. hehe... I dont find too many people like me who LOVE the Labyrinth. Dance Magic Dance!

  3. Have I ever told you that you remind me of the babe? lol! Both fantastic movies... :)

  4. Slap that baby, make him free! :)


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