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Monday, January 16, 2012

Music Monday | The Civil Wars and The Staves

 So... I'm trying to get back to normal on my blogging schedule so today I bring you Music Monday. And its back and better than ever.

Last Thursday Hubs and I went to see The Civil Wars with The Staves at THE RYMAN!!  First of all The Ryman is notorious for having an amazing sound. And second one of my favorite bands was playing there. Win Win for that night. There was no way this night could go wrong... or get better. But it did. It was my perfect scenario. I could hear well, we had balcony seats (which usually is sucky but not at The Ryman, they are fab) so I could see and see well, AND I could see the clock on the side of the stage. Now that may be considered a distraction or something to some but it is perfect to me. I'm one of those I need to see what time it is ALL the time types of people. And what only made that better was the fact that the clock had red numbers over a black screen (like my alarm clock that I never use to wake me up but just to tell the time). So before the show even started it was the best of the best FOR ME.
the staves, nashville, january, 2012, the ryman,
The Staves
Then The Staves came on. Those adorable, beautiful, amazing gals played so wonderful I couldn't believe it. Their harmonies were like angels singing and their accents just made me want to be best friends with them. I loved them so much that I heard the first harmony and looked at Dave and said "Sold" which meant we were going out to the merch stand and buying their E.P. and when they were done we did just that. I wanted to get a picture with them but it appears that I wasn't the only one who was "Sold" on them, their personalities and their music. But because the line was long I didn't come back for a photo op with them.  So for the first part of my Music Monday I bring to you The Staves "Mexico". You're gonna love me for this, I promise.

Part 2 of Music Monday. Oh goodness. Where do I start with my love for The Civil Wars? Well first let me write a note to my best friend, Sabrina, I'm calling you out. How can you NOT love them? Seriously? How can you be sooo smart and not love the easiest smart decision out there? What kind've teacher are you? Hehe... But seriously bestie in the westie, if you'd heard them at The Ryman you would have changed your mind. SERIOUSLY.... Ok back to the rest of the Internet world. Second. Check out their website. Its very pretty. Its inviting. I want to sit down with a cup of coffee and chat. I like it. Oh ya... The Civil Wars. I wont lie to you friends, I'm totally a bandwagon fan. Last year when they played at The Belcourt I saw all you tweeting about them, I didn't understand what was so interesting about a Civil War documentary at The Belcourt (for those of you not familiar with The Belcourt movies are played there, its a small rad theatre). UNTIL I saw Taylor Swift tweet about how great of a performance it was and then, at that moment, I googled (or swagbucked) The Civil Wars and that night I found that I really enjoyed that folky rad music. But I never did anything about it, not till the digital album was on sale on Amazon and I MADE Dave buy it. I figured if my Taylor (thats my BFF Taylor Swift, we go back *not true) liked them that I should give them a real chance and for $3.99 I bought it. And then I STILL didn't really listen to it. I never put it on my phone or burned the cd so I forgot I had it. Until one night I was putting music on my phone for the gym and I added it. Let me tell you. Not quite fun gym music, BUT it is GREAT cool down music. And thats just what I did. I listened to it after EVERY workout. I learned every word to every song, every note change to every song I knew it. I could sing it to you in a heart beat.  That doesn't mean I will, I'm a little camera shy, and I get so nervous I cry when I'm in front of a camera (or in speech 101) but I could sing it if I really wanted to.

So last Thursday when they sang I sang.... in my heart, ya know cause of that whole public speaking thing. And I knew every note change, I knew it all. I have to say, that its a toss up on which band I love more, The Civil Wars or Jimmy Eat World. Both are so different from each other that I think I can love them both equally. I've never been to a show where I LOVED EVERY song that they performed but I loved this one.... and the Jimmy show but don't let that take away from the awesomeness that The Civil Wars are. So... If you have a chance to see them, do it. Don't question it. Don't think about it. Don't wait a minute. Buy those tickets. It will be one of my top favorite nights and maybe it will one of yours.

Oh and here are photos from the show. I totally forgot to mention my bestie Taylor Swift totally came out and performed their song from Then Hunger Games soundtrack. I don't even think I'll see that movie but I love that song. I found it from the show that night, not my video, but its on YouTube for the taking... sharing. Whatever. Look at it. Oh and excuse the loud cheers in the beginning... but whatever. These people were way closer too. :)

the civil wars, nashville, january, 2012, the ryman,

the civil wars, nashville, january, 2012, the ryman,
the civil wars, nashville, january, 2012, the ryman, taylir swift
The Civil Wars with my Best Friend Taylor Swift

the civil wars, nashville, january, 2012, the ryman,
Acoustic People. THEY PLAYED TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY ACOUSTIC! I've never heard anything more beautiful and amazing in my WHOLE LIFE!!!!

xo, Steph

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