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Friday, January 6, 2012

Making an Action Plan | Workouts and Hot Yoga

I know. It's January. All I'm thinking about it working out, eating healthy, and not caring about how my hair looks after I do Hot Yoga in the morning before work.

Messy Messy Hair.

Tell me I am not the only one? Right? Cause I wanna talk fashion and clothes and what not but its January. I'm on one of those, "Hey we can't spend money on fun stuff like clothes" budget months so I'm not really chatting about that. You've seen all my clothes, I wore them for 30 days in my photo a day challenge I did. So what am I going to talk about nowadays? Well in all honesty... this blog is my blog to write about what I want to write about. You may not like what I write about some days (even though secretly I hope you do), but I want to be able to write about the things I find neat, rad or cool, or dorky - whatevs. I JUST WANT TO WRITE (that should be said like the I just want to dance!!!! phrase) So I am. I'm writing.

So ya, like I said earlier, it's January and I'm back to this working out and clean eating thing. Is it fun? Yes, right now it is! Will it be in a few weeks? Maybe... Probably not. But will I stick with it? Yes!!! Why? Because my goal is to have 1 ab poke through that stomach of mine. I only need 1, I mean it might look strange, but I want to have for the first time in my entire life an ab that I can see when I'm wearing my bathing suit.

It's easy to make goals, like I want to lose weight. But where is your action plan? How are you going to get to point B? Well I make mini points into my Point B, so my Point B is actually Point H or P or Z... enough you get it. I want to get to Point Z but I realize that to get there I have to go through point B, C, D, E, F, etc... So those of you who read my blog keep that in mind when you work towards your goals, any of them, doesn't have to be weightloss related.

So whats my action plan? Here we go. For the next 60 days I am doing 2 different programs. I talked about them briefly yesterday but here they are.

Hot Yoga at Hot Yoga Nashville for 60 days STRAIGHT. What do I want to get out of this? I want to feel better mentally, and stretch my body, to melt some fat and to get great workouts.

 Jamie Eason Live Fit Trainer - Stick in Phase 1 for 2 months then move to the 2 other phases. Why am I doing that instead of the normal 4 weeks of Phase 1? Well honestly... because I have the 60 days of Hot Yoga that I'm doing and since I've already done the program once I know I wont be able to get my Hot Yoga in once I move into Phase 2. So I'm doing 2 months of Phase 1, building muscle and gaining some muscle that I lost with those 2 months I took off in Nov and Dec. I wouldn't recomend doing this if its your first time through the 12 weeks program but since I've done it before I'm making modifications to work for me.

But what am I going to do after those 60 days? Glad you asked internet friends. I plan to move into the 2nd and 3rd phase of the program. I am still undecided on if I want to do the Carb cycling or not in that last phase. I struggled with this part of it, and I'm certain that is why I had a total binge after I finished it. Ok... that and the fact that it was Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas and I had already been in my best friends wedding and honestly... I'm still that fat girl who likes to eat bad food.

So thats another thing. Know yourself. Know what you can and cant do. I know me. I know how I am. I know that I can't cheat on my diet or my program. If I do I will not stop and I will keep eating bad. Just plain and simple. I can't do it. Some people can, good for them and lucky for them. I am just not one of them. But I know myself and my limitations, and for me I just cant go to Wendy's and have that Frosty and Chili with a French Fry. I just can't because tomorrow I will want it again and I will give in and that is how you gain 10 pounds between Nov and Dec. So I didnt really eat that, it was an example of what I want right now, but I'm not. I'm eating chicken, and a salad, and oatmeal (because I ate my bread for breakfast and forgot it was for lunch).

So ya. This will take me in to June, where I will go from there I am not sure, but for now I have an action plan that gets me till then. I'll figure June and beyond after that.

Wow this is a wordy post. I'm like my dad, I can talk for hours to a brick wall. Which is kinda what this is like sometimes. :)

Hope you have a great day! I'm done with Hot yoga for today so its a rest night, then back at it tomorrow.

xo, Steph

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