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Friday, January 20, 2012

Links to Love Friday | Aww snap this looks fun!

First thing First. The other day my husband liked one of my blog posts publicly on my facebook page. Nice! That means that he's at least read my blog twice. Once to see my Christmas wishlist and the second being my Golden Globes Recap. :)

Second. Guess what today is? Links I LOVE day! I feel like I should have a song for this like DailyGrace, probably because I stalk her Youtube feed like a crazy person and now when I write it's _____insert day___ and you know what that means i think of her daily vids.  

**sidenote: if you don't like profanity or vulgarity you shouldn't click to her videos, but I don't mind it so I stalk her.

Anyway... I actually don't have a special day for this. But thought Friday was just as good of a day to do this.  So since I was WAYYYYYY behind on my bloglovin reads I finally caught up while I was sick over the weekend. Yay! So now I will share all the amazingness I found in my reader. You're excited. I know it.

image via recipeforcrazy.com

Ok, so Lesley of Recipe for Crazy made some amazing Orange Julius type drinks on her blog. Oh man! They looked great. My plan is to try to make it healthier with real orange juice or something. I'll let you know if I do it. But for now check out her yummy recipe because I'm still gonna have a super cheat day and make it... with REAL SUGAR!!!

image via ohhellofriendblog.com

Danni from Oh Hello Friend posted some majorly adorable vintage paper scans. I totally want to use them on here for something. I love them and I'm certain you will too. Head over there for some serious awesomeness. P.S. She was a speaker at Alt Summit too and she rocks. I wasn't there but I've been twitter stalking it all day. And I love the topic she was part of. I'm trying to be better at it.

image via ohhappyday.com

Oh Happy Day posted these super cute Pinwheel Party Favor Printables. Oh snap. These will totally be part of my 30th birthday party... in another year and a half.

image via ohhappyday.com
Oh Happy Day did it again with these too cute for words hanging Ceiling things. I don't know what to call them. Fancy adorable paper ceiling decorations. These will also be part of my birthday party celebrations next year.

image via abeautifulmess

Elsie from A Beautiful Mess is doing a really cool sewing series. She is talking about the different stitches and how to achieve  them. You should check out the whole series, this is just one part of it.

image via ellinee.com

Don't judge me, but I'm really bad about tying bows and this tutorial is pretty rad. So check it out by Ellinee.... Oh and there are lots of cute tutorials on there too!

This is one of my instagram images. There wasn't an image for the link below.

I often read Ashley Ann's blog. Its filled with her life, her photography, her crafts and her projects. This is from early last month and it made me think about my own blog. I love how she wrote this so eloquently. She is not just her blog, she is herself. She shares what she wants, and talks about what she wants and if people don't like it they don't have to read it. She's much nicer about it than I would be. But take a look. Its worth a read for sure!

Ok folks. I'll talk to you later!

xo, Steph

0 Lovely Notes:

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