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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

25 Days of Christmas - Day 6: DIY Glitter Pears

I found this pin on Pinterest but could never find actual instructions for how to make them.

Pinterest, Pumpkins, DIY,Do it Yourself, Martha Stewart

 Luckily I had just finished making these Glitter pumpkins from Martha Stewart so I had some ideas of how to do it so I figured why not try it. So on Thanksgiving my Mother in Law and I had a craft filled day. I just realized that I never photographed the rest of the stuff we made. Making mental note to do this. Also... I wasn't planning to share the directions on it so I didn't photograph it, I know, what kinda Blogger am I? For Shame! hehe... But honestly, its not really hard so you shouldn't need them.

Pinterest, Pears, DIY,Do it Yourself, Martha Stewart

Supplies Needed:
Fake Pears of assorted sizes (we found our in the floral area at our local Michaels and got the kind that were sold both individually - Large size and in a bunch - Small size)
Tacky Glue
Glitter of your choice
Foam brush


Step 1 - I like to create little stations so I don't make a mess. For this project one station is a glue and wait station and the other is a glitter station.
Step 2 - Pour glue onto newspaper and dip foam brush into and "paint" glue onto your Pear.
Step 3 - Move to Glitter station and pour an obnoxious amount of Glitter ALL OVER your pear.
Step 4 - Let it sit with the obnoxious amount of Glitter on it for a few hours, then you can shake some of the excess glitter off of it. And the put it in your favorite bowl, vase or tabletop, mine would be sitting in a cute porcelain santa sleigh if I didn't have 2 kitties who like to play with the pears and glitter.

Things I would suggest: 

Apply extra glitter on it so that you don't end up with some "bald" spots like mine did, you know, the spots where you can still see the pear. You could easily fix this by making these in a well lit area.
You can use spray adhesive if you'd prefer, just be sure to do it in a well ventilated area. We would have done this, but had already used a ton of it earlier that day and to be honest I was tired of having sticky fingers from the spray adhesive.

That's it. Not too difficult at all.  Let me know if you end up making it!

xo, Steph

1 comment:

  1. No pictures of the process? What were you thinking? I have an awesome camera lens you can borrow if you need one! :)

    On a serious note - this looks like a fun project and the finished glittery pumpkins and pears look lovely! Thanks!


Leave a comment. Its what all the cool kids are doing... or maybe not but you should still do it. :)

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