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Sunday, December 4, 2011

25 Days of Christmas - Day 4: Music by Travis

Some of you may not know this already but hubs and I are from California originally. We've been in Nashville for about 5 years, 5 LONG years. Nothing wrong with Nashville, I love it, but nothing is as good as home.   Out in LA there is a radio station called KROQ and their morning show, Kevin and Bean, has always been my favorite. In fact, we both love it so much that we listen online so we can still get our bit of home.  For quite a few years they would put out a Christmas CD. A collection of artists that we like, singing rad Christmas songs that we love.  All the songs are awesome, all the cd's are awesome, and if you can find them somewhere online then you should buy them. We own them, we're lucky enough to have friends local that would buy them for us and send them. My most favorite song from ANY of the albums is River performed by Travis. Oh goodness. Its amazing. I can't find the actual song because its exclusive to the cd, so buy it at the link I found on Amazon. Hopefully you'd find it and actually get it. Anyway... I DID find a clip on Youtube. So you can listen to whole clip, or skip to 3:35 in when the song starts but I listened to the whole clip cause its kinda neat to hear his accent. ;)  Ok. Hope you enjoy.

P.S. I hope you're enjoying my Daily Christmas. I know it's a bunch on nonsense, but its stuff I think is cool so I hope you think its cool too.
P.P.S. If you like my posts and want to stay up to date follow me on Bloglovin here: bloglovin 

Until tomorrow.

xo, Steph

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